Tuesday, December 11, 2007


I had a job interview yesterday in Emporium about the Head Start position. I felt that it went rather well (I hope). When I got to the place, I went in and waited to be called. I was told on the phone to look over the job description and responsibilities while I waited. I was about 15 minutes early, so this gave me plenty of time. I had just finished reading the description when a woman approached me for my interview. She led me down a hallway and then down a set of stairs. Yup...we were in the basement! I entered the room and there was a long table there with 3 women seated. The woman in the middle, Jodi, did the majority of the talking, while the other 2 women mostly just took notes on everything...and I mean EVERYTHING...that I said. There were only 2 other women there for the job, so I hope that gives me a good shot. I was told by the woman that held this position prior that they hire based on most education. From what I know, I have the most, so I hope that this gives me a nudge ahead of the others. My family and I so desperately need for me to get this job. We are struggling to no end. I'm sure that there are many other families out there struggling as well, but I feel that my case is somewhat extraordinary. Dan is the only one working at the present time, so we are living from paycheck to paycheck. He's only making approximately $500 every 2 weeks. Well, our mortgage alone is $355 every month, so one whole paycheck goes right to that. The other check goes to bills. What does that leave me for groceries? How am I to feed and clothe my children? Our gas got shut off because we couldn't afford to pay the bill. Luckily, Dan's brother sells Harman stoves and installed one for us. We had a couple pretty cold nights without any heat!!! Now, without any gas, we are without any hot water. We have to pack everyone up and either go to Dan's mother's house or to Kim & Jay's house. I am so thankful for Kim & Jay. They have been great to us in this desperate time of need. But I still would like to be able to bathe my children in their own house and not have to boil water on the stove to do my dishes. That's getting a bit monotonous!!!

Please just keep me and my family in your thoughts and prayers as we are going through this hard time. Pray that God decides that it's my turn to help my family out and that I get this job.

Stay tuned for more.......

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Now What???

I am sitting here bored out of my mind. This is the first time in 3 years that I have been without my children for an entire weekend. They are staying at my sister, Staci's, house so that Dan and I can get a weekend by ourselves to work on "us". Lord knows that we definitely need it as of late. It was supposed to be a surprise for Dan that we would get some alone time, and as he didn't know about it, he made plans to go hunting today with his friend, Carl.
So, here I sit. No kids. No husband. Completely quiet house. Too much quiet. I'm going insane.
Stay tuned for more.......